Follow the same pattern as in the guidelines, but divide the class into groups (up to 10). Each group/pair deals with one or two parts of the story.
The parts
1. The meeting : who? where?
Decide on the characters – physical description
2. Love strikes both at the same time? At different times?
More description including qualities/ jobs/ where they come from/ hobbies
3. Love grows (Both in love now)
Dialogue- I love you, I will never leave you etc
4. Love overcomes the difficulties* in its path (events? location?)
Exams, homework, moving house, from different cultures
5. Love overcomes its enemies : people * – hostile relatives/jealous rivals
Parents / friends against the match because age , exams, class culture
6. Love wins : all seems well, but…
Spend some time together, a festival, a school trip
7. Love is hurt by the difficulties : * same as above or different
More or the same problems arise again
8. Love is hurt by its enemies : * same as above or different
People interfere
9. Love is lost
One of them loses his/her love
10. Love separates with / without bitterness
They go their separate ways